What Are Energy Star Windows

energy star windows

Even if you are not fully aware of its meaning, you have likely seen the energy star logo before. It signifies a product’s compliance with standards of energy efficiency set forth by energy star rating. When it comes to windows, energy efficiency is of the utmost important. Windows are one of the most common spots for energy loss in a home, and this can lead to a number of consequences, the least of which is not higher bills. Read on to learn more about energy star windows.
They Are Multi-Paned
One of the primary features that differentiates energy star windows from competitors is their multi-paned construction. This means that they usually are constructed with two layers of glass and a space of air or gas in between. Some models boast even more panes, however, and they all offer the same benefit: reduced energy loss. With more panes insulating the window area, there is less chance for heat to escape your home.
They Have High Quality Frames
The frames of energy efficient windows are also notable. They are usually made from highly durable materials that further insulate and protect the window. Much like multiple panes do, this features reduces heat transfer and helps keep your home at the temperature you want so that you are not overpaying for heating or cooling. This improved insulation around the frame eliminates one of the most vulnerable spots in your home.
They Have Warm Edge Spacers
Other small features, such as warm edge spacers, make a difference between energy star windows and regular ones. Edge spacers serve to provide additional insulation around the edges of the window pane and reduce the likelihood of heat transfer in the area. This feature thoroughly ensures that the windows are completely insulated and energy efficient. With benefits like these, it’s no wonder they have recently increased in popularity. If you are considering them for your home, a contractor can help you.